Sunday at Wick-edly Sent

Here’s a suggestion on having a lazy day in Canandaigua. Stop in at Blue Dahlia grab a cup of Joe and a muffin or cookie and read the paper. Make sure you say hello to the knitters and when your ready stroll next door to Wick-edly Sent and have a leasurely...

Climbing the Walls

I know that we are all waiting for the warmer weather and with more snow forcasted for this weekend we’ll all be climbing the walls. Well why not stop by Wick-edly Sent for richly scented candle or a smelly jelly in a spring scent – If you’re still...

Scents for your Senses

It may not feel like Spring outside but inside Wick-edly Sent Spring has arrived in our richly scented soy jar candles with some new and exciting scents for your senses. New to our line is Ginger Fig, a nice addition with the sweet soothing spice of warm Ginger...

Early Mornings at Wick-edly Sent

Holly from 13 WHAM visited our store on Friday 6th in the early morning. For those that were still asleep we have attached a link to the video. It was a great visit highlighting the aroma bar and our richly scented soy candles that are popping with spring colors and...

Burning your scented candles

Sometimes we forget the basic principles of burning our soy scented candles. We have customers who praise our candles and tell us that they burn all the way through, while some tell us that the candles leave a well down the middle or leave black soot.While some...