Wick-edly Sent+ by | Aug 13, 2010 | soap
It’s occurred to us people like to give our olive oil soap as gifts–for any time. I know, no one wants to hear about Christmas being not so far away, so I won’t mention it. Oops, too late. However, our soap makes a great gift for any time of the...
Wick-edly Sent+ by | Aug 4, 2010 | Newsletter, Uncategorized
Hello friends! It’s August and summer is dwindling down. Don’t let it fly by, come into Wick-edly Sent Soap and Candle Company and pick up some summer scents. There’s still plenty of summer left in the store, but it won’t be here forever!...
Wick-edly Sent+ by | Jul 26, 2010 | Philanthropic Activities, soap, Uncategorized
Ah, Austria, rich in history, scenic beauty, and music. Mozart, Falco, and let’s not forget the Sound of Music. Recently we’ve discovered an Austrian from Couchsurfing, a site where people literally crash on stranger’s couches. These people,...
Wick-edly Sent+ by | Jul 17, 2010 | Philanthropic Activities
The Canandaigua Art and Music Festival is once again going on until Sunday, July 18th, 10am to 6pm. There’s plenty of artists, including our own Karen Miller painting her beautiful watercolors. Main Street looks great with incredible vendor booths including...
Wick-edly Sent+ by | Jul 7, 2010 | Newsletter
Hello friends! June has come and go so quickly and now it’s time for outdoor BBQs, fireworks, swimming and campfires. Get outside, take a walk down Main Street and see what July has to offer. Scent of the Month July’s new Scent of the Month is sure to put...